
Health promotion

Workplace health promotion has emerged in the 20 years as a major approach to managing the health of the workforce in many European countries.  Originating in the US in the late 1970s and 1980s the approach to has grown and developed to take many forms especially in Europe throughout the past 20 years.  In most countries workplace health promotion is a voluntary activity for workplaces, but in some such as Germany and Finland, there are obligations on employers and others to become implement various health promotion activities in the workplace.  In Ireland, there are currently (May 2018) no such obligations, though the workplace Healthy Ireland healthy workplace initiative may change that for public sector employers at least.

This website takes as its starting point the work of the European Network for Workplace Health Promotion in the area.  This network of stakeholders from all of the EU Member States agreed a comprehensive definition of workplace health promotion (the Luxembourg Declaration) which stakeholders in many countries use as the basis for policy and practice.

5 main areas of workplace health promotion are covered:

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