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  • 27/10/2009- 7th International Conference on Workplace Bullying & Harassment "Transforming Research: Evidence and Practice"
    A great deal of uncertainty and ambivalence exists in many contemporary organisations and indeed in society more generally.....
  • 29/01/2009- 6th European Conference “Healthy Work - Healthy Lifestyle - Healthy Business”
    The 6th European Conference “HEALTHY WORK - HEALTHY LIFESTYLE - HEALTHY BUSINESS” will take place on 27th - 28th April in Perugia, Italy
  • 24/10/2008- Integrated e-Learning Environment for Managing Job Retention and Return to Work - Training of Trainers
    The EU is facing a substantial challenge in achieving the targets set by the Council of Ministers in relation to reducing the numbers of older people leaving work through early retirement and extending the working life of older workers (Barcelona & Stockholm European Councils). The targets are set to be achieved by 2010. To achieve these targets the proportion of workers in the 45-60 age range taking early retirement as a result of ill-health and disability must be radically reduced. As an effort to reach these targets, the Reintegrate Project sets out to build on existing projects outputs in the field of disability and employment in order to address the skills and knowledge gaps of employers. In order to do so, the project intends to design ICT-based delivery mechanisms aimed at transferring innovative approaches from the realm of research to employers practice. The central spine of the project is a web-based self-assessment tool to allow work-based professionals to explore their own levels of knowledge and organisational strategies in relation to good practice and e-learning and face to face training modules derived from the accumulated results of previous projects and current good practice internationally.
  • 06/11/2008- European Ministerial e-Inclusion Conference
    The European Commission is holding the closing event of its eInclusion initiative in Vienna. The event will showcase the best of e-Inclusion initiatives and and plans to shape the future European e-Inclusion agenda.
  • 07/11/2008- Demography Forum and Report: Better Societies for Families and Older People
    The Commission will organise its '2nd European Demography Forum offering policy makers and stakeholders from all over Europe an opportunity to discuss recent developments in the fields of active ageing and family policies.
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