
Disability Management in the Workplace: A Guide to Establishing a Joint Workplace Program

Information provided in this booklet summarises: • the benefits of Workplace Disability Management Programs; and • how to design and implement an effective Disability Management Program in your workplace. It has been demonstrated that joint labour / management, workplace-based Disability Management Programs show positive results. Some examples include: • increasing the number of employees who successfully return to work following an injury or illness, reducing the cost of disability to the employer and employees; • fostering an early and safe return to employment, allowing employees to maintain their benefits and income level, as well as their contact with co-workers; • encouraging the active participation of unions, helping them to fulfill their role of protecting jobs and benefits for their members; • minimizing the negative impact of disability on the employee’s family, co-workers, supervisors and the community; and • building mutual trust between all stakeholders through improved cooperation.

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