Irish Equality Authority Annual Report 2007
During 2007 the Equality Authority
- Responded to 10,993 queries under five different pieces of legislation. There were 3,047 queries in relation to the Employment Equality Acts, 1,559 queries in relation to the Equal Status Acts, 4,257 queries in relation to the Maternity Protection Acts, 1,996 queries under the Parental Leave Acts and 134 queries under the adoptive leave Acts.
- Had 737 casefiles under three pieces of legislation with 360 casefiles under the Employment Equality Acts, 328 casefiles under the Equal Status Acts and 49 casefiles under the Intoxicating Liquor Act.
In these casefiles
The age ground was the highest area of casefiles under the Employment Equality Acts for the first time (87 casefiles out of 360-24%)
The disability ground was the highest area of casefiles under the three Acts together (177 casefiles out of 737-24%)
Under the Equal Status Acts there was a substantial number of casefiles involving allegations of discrimination against the public sector-government departments, state agencies, local authorities, health agencies and schools (225 casefiles out of 328-69%)
The Traveller ground was the second highest area of casefiles under the Equal Status Acts (63 out of 328 casefiles-19%). These predominantly relate to allegations of discrimination in relation to educational establishments and accommodation provision.
The race ground (68 casefiles) and the gender ground (65 casefiles) continue to be a significant focus in the casefiles under the Employment Equality Acts.
The Traveller and the disability grounds are the highest areas under the Intoxicating Liquor Act.
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