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Hands On: Building a Business Case for Disability Management, Human Resources Professionals Association
Autor(es): Scott, L & Curtis, J
Año de publicación: 2003
Has Increased Focus on Vocational Rehabilitation Led to an Increase in Young Employees' Return to Work after Work-Related Disorders?
Autor(es): Ahlgren, C., & Hammarstrom, A.
Año de publicación: 1999
Publicado en: Scandanavian Journal of Public Health
Páginas: 220-227
Número: 27
Volumen: 3
Healthcare Brief: Business and Healthcare for the 21st Century
Autor(es): Confederation of British Industry
Editor: CBI
Año de publicación: 2001
Housing and Employment
Autor(es): Anderson, R., Wynne, R. and McDaid, D
Editor: McGraw Hill - Open University Press
Lugar de publicación: England.
Año de publicación: 2007
Publicado en: Mental Health Policy and Practice across Europe - European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies Series
How Employers Manage Long-Term Absence
Autor(es): Murphy, N.
Año de publicación: 2007
Publicado en: IRS Employment Review 887
Human Resource Costs and Benefits of Maintaining a Mature-Age Workforce
Autor(es): Brooke, L.
Editor: Internatioanl Journal of Manpower
Año de publicación: 2003
Publicado en: Internatioanl Journal of Manpower
Páginas: 260-283
Número: 24
Volumen: 3
ILO Code of Practice: Managing Disability in the Workplace
Autor(es): ILO
Editor: ILO
Lugar de publicación: Geneva
Año de publicación: 2002
ILO, Employment Policies for Disabled People in Eighteen Countries: A Review
Autor(es): Thornton, P. & Lunt, N.
Editor: ILO
Lugar de publicación: Geneva
Año de publicación: 1997
Implications of Population Ageing for the Labour Market
Autor(es): Dixon, S.
Editor: Office for National Statistics
Año de publicación: 2003
Implications of population ageing for the labour market - 88 KB
Improved Work Ability and Return to Work Following Vocational Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation of Subjects on Long-Term Sick Leave
Autor(es): Braathen,, T. N., Veierstad, K. B. and Heggenes, J.
Publicado en: Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
Páginas: 493–499
Volumen: 39
Improved Work Ability and Return to Work Following Vocational Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation of Subjects on Long-Term Sick Leave. - 388 KB