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Stress, Absence and Reintegration: Perceptions and Practice of Professional in Six European Member States
Autor(es): McAnaney, D., & Wynne, R.
Año de publicación: 2006
Publicado en: International Journal of Disability Management Research
Páginas: 31-42
Número: 1
Volumen: 1
Summary Report of RETURN Project
Autor(es): RETURN, 2002b
Editor: University College Dublin
Lugar de publicación: Dublin
Año de publicación: 2002
Supporting an Injured Worker Return to Work
Autor(es): Conroy, M.
Editor: A Review Commissioned by the Workplace Safety Initiative
Año de publicación: 2007
Supporting an Injured Worker Return to Work - 855 KB
Survey of Use of Occupational Health Support
Autor(es): Pilkington, A., Graham, M.K., Cowie, H.A. Mulholland, R.E., Dempsey, S., Melrose, A.S., & Hutchinson, P.A.
Editor: HSE Books
Lugar de publicación: Norwich
Año de publicación: 2002
The Business Benefits of Health and Safety - Case Studies
Editor: Health and Safety Executive, United Kingdom
The Business Case for Workers Age 50+: Planning for Tommorrow's Talent Needs in Today's Competitive Environment
Autor(es): AARP
Lugar de publicación: Washington, DC.
Año de publicación: 2005
The Business Case: Health and Productivity Programs; Strategic Finance
Autor(es): Johnson, R. E.
Año de publicación: 2005
The Decline of Employment Among Older People in Britain
Autor(es): Nigel Campbell
Editor: Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion
Lugar de publicación: London
Año de publicación: 1999
The Decline of Employment Among Older People in Britain - 325 KB
The Development and Utility of an Interactive Assessment Protocol for Evaluating Company Based Responses in Managing Employees on Long Term Absence
Autor(es): Thorne, J., McAnaney, D., Biggs, H. and Wynne, R.
Año de publicación: 2002
Publicado en: The Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling
Páginas: 50-63
Número: 1
Volumen: 8
The Employment Situation of People with Disabilities in the European Union, Luxembourg, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2001
Autor(es): EIM Business and Policy Research, European Commission
Editor: European Expert Group on the employment situation of people with disabilities