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Employing People with Disabilities: Employers’ Experience
In December 1995, the National Rehabilitation Board (NRB), the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC), and the Association for Higher Education Access and Disability (AHEAD) initiated a survey of employer experience regarding the recruitment and employment of people with disabilities. The survey was intended as a pilot exercise to assess employer experience regarding the recruitment and employment of people with disabilities. The questionnaire used in the survey was not pilot tested and this let to some shortcomings in the nature and extent of the data collected. Nevertheless much useful data was obtained on employer experience and valuable insights were gained which should benefit future investigations into the same area. This report on the survey is divided into two main parts – Part A and Part B. A summary of the survey findings plus forewords from NRB, IBEC, and Ahead are contained in Part A. Part B consists of a more detailed account of the findings. Following Part B, Appendix 1 contains the conventions used in data presentation throughout the report while Appendix 2 contains information on supports provided by NRB to assist in the employment of people with disabilities. Finally, Appendix 3 consists of a list of contact addresses for the three organisations involved in the survey. -
Physical Requirements Associated with the Work of Aging Workers in the European Union.
Physical requirements of work should decline with advancing age because the dimensions of physical work capacity of individuals decline with age, too. The Second European Survey on Working Conditions in 1995/1996 was used to study the prevalences (%) of poor work postures, handling heavy loads, and repetitive work in the representative sample of employed people in the 15 European Union member states. Exposure to physical requirements was still common in the European Union. Nearly 50% of older workers (age 45 years or more) were exposed to repetitive work, about 30% had poor work postures and 15% to 20% were handling heavy loads at least half of the working time. The physical requirements were as common for older and younger (less than 45 years of age) workers. The physical requirements were most common in Mediterranean countries and least common in the northern part of Europe. The differences in prevalence rates of exposures between the countries were large, from three- to fivefold. Favorable differences between older and younger workers were more notable for older men than for older women in poor work postures and repetitive work. However, older women had less handling of heavy loads than older men. The results showed that the need for better adjustments of physical requirements with age is still very relevant in the European Union and demands urgently appropriate measures in working life. -
A Barometer of HR Trends and Prospects 2008.
Throughout 2007 the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) surveyed every changing contour of the world of work. This sixth annual people management and development barometer report is a compendium of individual surveys, drawing out common themes and highlighting emerging trends. The summary of main finding can be read as a baseline human capital report for UK plc. These surveys are regularly supplemented by background data obtained from the CIPD/KPMG quarterly Labour Market Outlook survey. Our surveys are drawn from relatively large sample sizes and provide comprehensive coverage across all sectors and sizes of organisation. Each survey report is an invaluable source of benchmarking information for practitioners and policy-makers. Some surveys are accompanied by separate ‘Reflections’ reports in which experts and practitioners comment on various aspects of the survey findings. This ‘all in one place’ compendium presents the main findings from each of our 2007 surveys and outlines the challenges facing HR practitioners in 2008. The 2007 surveys cited are: • Absence Management • Diversity in Business: A focus for progress • Employing Ex-offenders to Capture Talent • HR in International Mergers and Acquisitions • Labour Market Outlook (quarterly) • Learning and Development • Managing Conflict at Work • Managing Drug and Alcohol Misuse at Work • Recruitment, Retention and Turnover • Reward Management • The Changing HR Function. Copies of the CIPD’s survey reports can be obtained free from: -
Irish Equality Authority Annual Report 2007
There was positive recognition of the work of the Equality Authority at European Union level during 2007. The Equality Authority was afforded a high profile by the European Commission at the High Level Equality Summit of the EU in Berlin and at the closing event for the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All in Lisbon. The Equality Authority was selected as one of the case studies by the European Commission in their review of the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All. The Equality Authority was written up as an example of good practice in a research study commissioned by the European Commission on the issue of multiple discrimination. This recognition comes at a time of significant challenge and change for the Equality Authority as a new economic context for our work emerges and as we manage the decentralisation of the Equality Authority.
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