European Agency for Safety and Health at Work
Workers and employers need to be made aware of the risks that they face, and how to manage them. But health and safety bodies in the individual EU Member States cannot do this alone. That is why the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work was set up, in 1996. Its mission is to make Europe's workplaces safer, healthier and more productive. They do this by bringing together and sharing knowledge and information, to promote a culture of risk prevention. Located in Bilbao, Spain, the Agency have a dedicated staff of occupational safety and health (OSH), communication and administrative specialists. At the national level, the Agency is represented through a network of focal points, which are usually the lead OSH bodies in the individual Member States. The Agency is a tripartite organisation, meaning that it works with governments, employers and workers representatives. It is a single reference point for OSH information. The Agency also commissions, collects and publishes new scientific research and statistics on OSH risks.
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