
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

The European Agency for Safety and Health at Work was set up in 1996. The Agency aims to make workers and employers aware of the risks that they face, and how to manage them more efficiently. Their mission is to make Europe's workplaces safer, healthier and more productive. The Agency does this by bringing together and sharing knowledge and information, to promote a culture of risk prevention. The Agency is a tripartite organization, working with governments, employers and workers representatives. We are a single reference point for OSH information. We commission, collect and publish new scientific research and statistics on OSH risks. The Agency shares good practice, and communicates information in a variety of ways to reach workers and workplaces. Our European Risk Observatory aims to identify new and emerging risks. In order to achieve this, it will give an overview of safety and health at work in Europe, describe the trends and underlying factors, and anticipate changes in work and their likely consequences for safety and health. Additionally, it aims to stimulate debate and reflection among the Agency's stakeholders and to provide a platform for debate between policy-makers at various levels.
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